Established in the late ‘90s, the Real Estate One Family Foundation has been on the mission to give back to our community. With over 2500 employees and sales associates across multiple brands, we are proud to be a genuinely impactful force in the lives of others through our local partnerships.
Our family’s generosity recently reached new heights this past Giving Tuesday as more than 30 offices participated to raise over $270,000 for causes across the state. Our company didn’t hold back on creativity either! Between Silent Auctions to Walking Taco Bars and Bingo Nights, our offices found unique paths to achieving these tremendous results.
What are we most proud of? The fact that this one-day effort pushed our yearly giving over the edge of $1 Million! Making this an all-time record year.
Jennifer Essary, Real Estate One Charitable Foundation Manager, shared, “The work of this past Giving Tuesday is the greatest representation of the incredible giving spirit of our people. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such generous and caring individuals.” She continues, “The generosity of Stuart and Dan with the 100% company match certainly sets the example we all strive to emulate.”
Our relationships with local community organizations such as Forgotten Harvest, Child and Family Services of Northwestern Michigan and Ozone House, plus state chapters of national organizations such as Special Olympics Michigan, the Alzheimer’s Association, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society are based on a commitment that each dollar contributed through our Foundation will benefit communities across Michigan.
As a company, we recognize the role we play and the responsibility we have to our communities. We ensure that 100% of every dollar raised by our agents and employees goes directly to the charitable organizations we support across the state. An additional company match increases our total community impact.
We are proud to be spreading kindness this holiday season and beyond!Learn more about the Real Estate One Family Foundation here.